Tom Cat

2014年4月14日 (月) 21:35時点におけるOrpheus (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (ページの作成:「Tom Cat Jim側のスタッフの一員。当Wikiのトップ画像や404エラー時に表示される画像を描かれたお方。」)
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Tom Cat Jim側のスタッフの一員。当Wikiのトップ画像や404エラー時に表示される画像を描かれたお方。

112 名前:仙人@Tom Cat ★[] 投稿日:2014/04/12(土) 01:18:22.27 ID:???0 (PC) ?2BP(0)
I made the wiki tree, hermit and 404 image. Sorry if those appear scary. I thought they were funny. 
The 404 machine doesn't realize it is hurting the guy. It is just a machine.


324 名前:Apparently admin ★[] 投稿日:2014/03/13(木) 23:48:05.94 ID:???
Tom Cat made Emailgenki. I have already
sent him an email with your idea.
I think we will come up with something
good from him. He is very talented.
Emailgenki is primarily for Megami already.
So he could change the watermark.