
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
64行目: 64行目:
  B) someone is talking about A <- this is not a news
  B) someone is talking about A <- this is not a news
  C) very important person is talkig about A <- maybe this is a news
  C) very important person is talkig about A <- maybe this is a news
=== ニュース速報+で特に重視される住み分け ===
* 韓国・北朝鮮に関するほぼ全てのスレッドは東亜+に投稿されねばならない(詳細は別セクションに後記)
* 芸能・スポーツ・音楽・ゴシップは芸スポ+
* 違反は報告スレで報告。剥奪の対象になりうる
<pre style="font-family:IPAMonaPGothic,'IPA モナー Pゴシック',Monapo,Mona,'MS PGothic','MS Pゴシック',sans-serif;font-size:16px;line-height:18px;">
779 名前:drunker ★[] 投稿日:2014/07/04(金) 16:39:55.93 ID:???0
also you can use this thread
not a Korean thread thou
i am learning whitch threads are good on newsplus
it will get better i hope
1. almost all thread related Korea have to be on news4plus
2. please use mnewsplus for sports, gossip, ,,,
3. i will think other threads later