
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
16行目: 16行目:
<dt>53 :<font color="blue"><b>番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です</b></font>:2014/04/05(土) 20:16:53.27 ID:6Wl76cGr0</dt><dd> ああわかったぞ <br> beの画像の値に"&gt;を入れてるのか <br> [http://be.2ch.net/status.php?ico=">]にすることでXSSが可能になると <br> 書き込みでのエスケープ処理はされてる</dd>
<dt>53 :<font color="blue"><b>番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です</b></font>:2014/04/05(土) 20:16:53.27 ID:6Wl76cGr0</dt><dd> ああわかったぞ <br> beの画像の値に"&gt;を入れてるのか <br> http://be.2ch.net/status.php?ico="> にすることでXSSが可能になると <br> 書き込みでのエスケープ処理はされてる</dd>
<div>その後、Code Monkey★に確認され修正される</div>
<div>その後、Code Monkey★に確認され修正される</div>
22行目: 22行目:
<dt>128 :<font color="green"><b>C </b>◆Odemonkey. <b>@Code Monkey ★</b></font>:2014/04/05(土) 20:42:47.78 ID:???0 <a href="javascript:be(847328605);">?2BP(1000)</a></dt><dd> <img src="http://img.2ch.net/ico/anime_zonu02.gif"> <br> Here is what happened: <br>  <br> The programmers in Jim-san's office made the HTML pages for the new [be.2ch.net]. <br>  <br> I thought they had properly sanitized and verified everything. I guess I was wrong. <br>  <br> I have taken the new be.2ch.net beta offline for the moment. <br>  <br> I will fix it and properly sanitize and verify all input. <br>  <br> After I fix it, ill put it back online, then you guys can try to find some new XSS vulnerabilities. <br>  <br> Thanks! </dd>
<dt>128 :<font color="green"><b>C </b>◆Odemonkey. <b>@Code Monkey ★</b></font>:2014/04/05(土) 20:42:47.78 ID:???0 <a href="javascript:be(847328605);">?2BP(1000)</a></dt><dd> <img src="http://img.2ch.net/ico/anime_zonu02.gif"> <br> Here is what happened: <br>  <br> The programmers in Jim-san's office made the HTML pages for the new [be.2ch.net]. <br>  <br> I thought they had properly sanitized and verified everything. I guess I was wrong. <br>  <br> I have taken the new be.2ch.net beta offline for the moment. <br>  <br> I will fix it and properly sanitize and verify all input. <br>  <br> After I fix it, ill put it back online, then you guys can try to find some new XSS vulnerabilities. <br>  <br> Thanks! </dd>
