
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
(一応 <div style="clear: right; "></div> を。 {{DEFAULTSORT:あじあにゅうすそくほうぷらすいた}} に。ほか。)
1行目: 1行目:
| 板名 = アジアニュース速報+
| 板名 = アジアニュース速報+
8行目: 10行目:
| ID = 強制ID
| ID = 強制ID
== 概要 ==
== 概要 ==
実質的に[[東アジアnews+板]]から分割という形で誕生した板。2014/3/26に設立。板名の通り、アジアに関するニュースについて語る板。フォルダ名のnews4plusdとは、news4plus(東アジアnews+)のドッペルゲンガー(Doppelg・nger)という意味が含まれる。ここで言うアジアとは[http://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/area/asia.html 外務省のアジアの定義]に基づいており、当板で中東の話題は取り扱わない。
実質的に[[東アジアnews+板]]から分割という形で誕生した板。2014/3/26に設立。板名の通り、アジアに関するニュースについて語る板。フォルダ名のnews4plusdとは、news4plus(東アジアnews+)のドッペルゲンガー(Doppelg・nger)という意味が含まれる。ここで言うアジアとは[http://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/area/asia.html 外務省のアジアの定義]に基づいており、当板で中東の話題は取り扱わない。

<div style="clear: right; "></div>

== 設立経緯 ==
== 設立経緯 ==
58行目: 62行目:
  Basically I vetoed this vote, but provided a viable alternative to the people that voted for it.
  Basically I vetoed this vote, but provided a viable alternative to the people that voted for it.

2017年10月22日 (日) 20:24時点における最新版

カテゴリ ニュース
サーバ lavender
フォルダ news4plusd
開設日 2014年3月26日
名無しの名前 オリエンタルな名無しさん
板URL http://lavender.5ch.net/news4plusd/









名前:Grape Ape ★[] 投稿日:2014/03/25(火) 22:42:48.35 ID:???0 (PC)
I do think it is a mistake. I think that I should make one more board on the new
nozomi server with the new rules. Then put a link on the head.txt of both boards.
WIth, or without kotehan, etc.
The etc is why I think people will leave your board.


244 名前:Grape Ape ★[] 投稿日:2014/03/26(水) 00:10:43.06 ID:???0 (PC)
You are right, and I have been looking at those threads when I make changes. If the change
doesn't make sense to me, then I have not been doing it. I think the news4plus was a real
election though. Don't you? I understand both sides of that issue, and can see the pros and the cons.
I suspect that the change might be beneficial for that board, but the 41% that didn't agree will
need a place to go, and I don't want them to move into other boards if I can help it. I would
like them to have their own special board with their old rules.


368 名前:Grape Ape ★[] 投稿日:2014/03/26(水) 19:31:27.48 ID:???0 (PC)
I have thought about this all day. The more I thought about it, the more unreasonable I began
to think it is. The current board will not be changed. Instead I made the new board with the
new rules. If it is really the majority of the users that want this, then there is the new board
with the new rules.
It is not fair to make the major change to a board rules, even if there is an election.
This basically changes what the board is about. It is better to have the new board with the
new rules.

I named it news4plusd
It is a replica of the http://awabi.2ch.net/news4plus/ board. With the new rule.

The d added to the end is short for discussion. I read through the Autonomy debate here.
I was surprised that many people mentioned and agreed the a board split might be a good
idea, and I saw many ideas on how it would be used. I am sorry for the English. I will post
a simple Japanese message for the News4plus people on their current autonomy thread.

Basically I vetoed this vote, but provided a viable alternative to the people that voted for it.