
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
16行目: 16行目:
<dt>53 :<a href="mailto:sage"><b>番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です</b></a>:2014/04/05(土) 20:16:53.27 ID:6Wl76cGr0</dt><dd> ああわかったぞ <br> beの画像の値に"&gt;を入れてるのか <br> <a href="http://be.2ch.net/status.php?ico=&quot;>" target="_blank">http://be.2ch.net/status.php?ico="&gt;</a>にすることでXSSが可能になると <br> 書き込みでのエスケープ処理はされてる</dd>
<dt>53 :<font color="blue"><b>番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です</b></font>:2014/04/05(土) 20:16:53.27 ID:6Wl76cGr0</dt><dd> ああわかったぞ <br> beの画像の値に"&gt;を入れてるのか <br> [http://be.2ch.net/status.php?ico=">]にすることでXSSが可能になると <br> 書き込みでのエスケープ処理はされてる</dd>
<div>その後、Code Monkey★に確認され修正される</div>
<div>その後、Code Monkey★に確認され修正される</div>
<dt>128 :<font color="green"><b>C </b>◆Odemonkey. <b>@Code Monkey ★</b></font>:2014/04/05(土) 20:42:47.78 ID:???0 <a href="javascript:be(847328605);">?2BP(1000)</a></dt><dd> <img src="http://img.2ch.net/ico/anime_zonu02.gif"> <br> Here is what happened: <br>  <br> The programmers in Jim-san's office made the HTML pages for the new <a href="http://jump.2ch.net/?be.2ch.net." target="_blank">http://be.2ch.net.</a> <br>  <br> I thought they had properly sanitized and verified everything. I guess I was wrong. <br>  <br> I have taken the new be.2ch.net beta offline for the moment. <br>  <br> I will fix it and properly sanitize and verify all input. <br>  <br> After I fix it, ill put it back online, then you guys can try to find some new XSS vulnerabilities. <br>  <br> Thanks! </dd>
<dt>128 :<font color="green"><b>C </b>◆Odemonkey. <b>@Code Monkey ★</b></font>:2014/04/05(土) 20:42:47.78 ID:???0 <a href="javascript:be(847328605);">?2BP(1000)</a></dt><dd> <img src="http://img.2ch.net/ico/anime_zonu02.gif"> <br> Here is what happened: <br>  <br> The programmers in Jim-san's office made the HTML pages for the new [be.2ch.net]. <br>  <br> I thought they had properly sanitized and verified everything. I guess I was wrong. <br>  <br> I have taken the new be.2ch.net beta offline for the moment. <br>  <br> I will fix it and properly sanitize and verify all input. <br>  <br> After I fix it, ill put it back online, then you guys can try to find some new XSS vulnerabilities. <br>  <br> Thanks! </dd>

28行目: 28行目:
<div>[http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1394550752/ Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★10]</div>
<div>[http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1394550752/ Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★10]</div>
<div>[http://maguro.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/poverty/1396683633/ Announcing the beta version of BE Version 2.0 β]</div>
<div>[http://maguro.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/poverty/1396683633/ Announcing the beta version of BE Version 2.0 β]</div>
<div>[http://maguro.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/poverty/1396694721/ 【悲報】2ちゃんねるにXSSの脆弱性発見される]</div>

2014年4月11日 (金) 21:45時点における版

Be @2ch掲示板 とは元々ひろゆきが人柱名目で始めたシステムであった。


576 名前: ひろゆき@どうやら管理人 ★ 投稿日: 04/11/21 04:58:06 ID:???


2014/04/05(土)にCode Monkey★が新たなBeシステムをリリース。
1 :C ◆Odemonkey. @Code Monkey ★:2014/04/05(土) 16:40:33.31 ID:???0
Hello 2ch netizens.

Today I will release BE Version 2.0 β

Anybody who signs up for the beta version and confirms their email will receive 1000 BE points.
After the official release of BE version 2.0, then the free 1000 BE point event will cease.

Features currently available in BE Version 2.0 β:
* Change ICON [It is currently FREE to change your icon]
* Login/Logout API
* BBS.CGI compatibility
* Dedicated browser compatibility

Features coming soon:
* Profile page
* Buy BE points
* Exchange BE points
* BE stock exchange
* Many more....
53 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です:2014/04/05(土) 20:16:53.27 ID:6Wl76cGr0
その後、Code Monkey★に確認され修正される
128 :C ◆Odemonkey. @Code Monkey ★:2014/04/05(土) 20:42:47.78 ID:???0 <a href="javascript:be(847328605);">?2BP(1000)</a>
<img src="http://img.2ch.net/ico/anime_zonu02.gif">
Here is what happened:

The programmers in Jim-san's office made the HTML pages for the new [be.2ch.net].

I thought they had properly sanitized and verified everything. I guess I was wrong.

I have taken the new be.2ch.net beta offline for the moment.

I will fix it and properly sanitize and verify all input.

After I fix it, ill put it back online, then you guys can try to find some new XSS vulnerabilities.



Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★10
Announcing the beta version of BE Version 2.0 β